___ _ ____ _ _ / _ \ _ _ __ _| | _____ / ___|___ _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ | | | | | | | | |/ _` | |/ / _ \ | | / _ \| '_ \| __| '__/ _ \| | | |_| | |_| | (_| | < __/ | |__| (_) | | | | |_| | | (_) | | \__\_\\__,_|\__,_|_|\_\___| \____\___/|_| |_|\__|_| \___/|_| ____ _ _ _ _ / ___|___ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ __ _/ || || | | | / _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \ '__| \ \ / / || || |_ | |__| __/ | | | || __/ | \ V /| ||__ _| \____\___|_| |_|\__\___|_| \_/ |_(_) |_| --------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: GETTING STARTED [1.0] Installing and configuring QCC. [1.1] The interface. SECTION 2: USING THE PROGRAM [2.0] The options. SECTION 3: OTHER STUFF [3.0] How to Register. [3.1] How to Contact the Author. [3.2] Where to Get the Latest Version. [3.3] Distribution Information (license). [3.4] Version History. SECTION 1: GETTING STARTED -------------------------- 1.0: Installing and Configuring QCC. ------------------------------------ To begin with, unzip the Quake Control Center into the directory of your choice and type QCC from that directory. For instance, if you unzipped it into C:\QCC, you would type QCC from the C:\QCC> prompt. The first time you run the Quake Control Center, it will automatically bring you to the configuration screen where it will ask you for the location of QUAKE.EXE. Type in the drive and path where QUAKE.EXE can be found (i.e. C:\GAMES\QUAKE) and press ENTER. After you have configured, you can re-configure at any time by pressing "C" at the title screen. After configuring, Quake Control Center will take you to the main menu. 1.1: The Interface. ------------------- Quake Control Center features an easy-to-use, mouse-driven interface. Use the mouse to click on the setting you wish to modify or change. There are several types of ways in which QCC gets input. They are: "CHECK BOXES". They look like [ ] or [X]. These are used when you can select any number of options. For instance, QCC allows you to choose if you want to have Quad Damage power on startup, God Mode on startup, and/or Invisible Mode on startup. They are displayed at the bottom the main menu: [ ] Quad Damage [ ] Invisible [ ] God Mode If you decide that you want Quad Damage and God mode, click between the brackets to check the options. It will look like this: [X] Quad Damage [ ] Invisible [X] God Mode If you change you mind later on, just click on a checked button to de-select it. "RADIO BUTTONS". They look like ( ) or (). These are used when you can select one of several options (like a difficulty level). They mark the option which is currently selected. For instance, the difficulty selection menu looks like this on startup: ( ) Easy () Normal ( ) Hard ( ) Nightmare Normal is the default, but if you want to start Quake using a different difficulty level, all you have to do is click on the difficulty you want to use. "Normal" is deselected and the  character appears next to the new setting. "INPUT BOX". Looks like a small black box. It is used to get text information. When you click on an input box, it turns blue and you can type in it. Hit ENTER to accept, or ESCAPE to cancel and go back to whatever setting you had. "BUTTON". Looks like a red square with white text in it. Clicking on a button may do one of several things. SECTION 2: USING THE PROGRAM ----------------------------- 2.0: The Options. ----------------- The Quake Control Center allows you to select many options not directly supported by Quake. You do so by modifying settings on the main menu. Here is a representation of the main screen of Quake Control Center, with parts of it numbered. For a description of a certain part, note the number placed near it on the diagram, and then look below for the same number along with a description. ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² ² ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ²²² ² º ( ) Easy () Normal <-1. .->Create Configuration file: DEFAULT.QCC<.º °°² ² º ( ) Hard ( ) Nightmare <' '2-----------------------------------------'º °°² ² º º °°² ² º () Dimension of the Doomed <-. .->[ ] Load external map file. º °°² ² º ( ) The Realm of Black Magic | | BASIN.BSP  º °°² ² º ( ) The Netherworld 3| | CANYON.BSP Û º °°² ² º ( ) The Elder World | |4 DEATH.BSP ± º °°² ² º ( ) Deathmatch Arenas/Miscellaneous | | DUEL.BSP ± º °°² ² º E1M1: The Slipgate Complex  <-------' '-> EVISCRTE.BSP  º °°² ² º º °°² ² º [X] Axe <-. .-> [ ] Load savegame (right-click to rename)º °°² ² º [X] Shotgun 25 | | Jimmy Bob's Game (Castle of the Damned) º °°² ² º [ ] Double-Barreled... | |5 Billy Bob's Game (The Dismal Oubliette)Û º °°² ² º [ ] Nailgun 0 6| | Bubba Bob's Game (The Cistern) ± º °°² ² º [ ] Perforator | '-> Bobby Bob's Game (The Abandoned Base)  º °°² ² º [ ] Grenade Launcher 0 | º °°² ² º [ ] Rocket Launcher | Health (1 - 32767) 100 <-.7 º °°² ² º [ ] Thunderbolt 0 <-' Gravity (0 - 3500) 800 <-'.->Run Quake Now! º °°² ² º 8_________________________________________________ |9 () QUAKE.EXE º °°² ² º [ ] Quad Damage [ ] Invisible [ ] God Mode <-' '->( ) Q95.BAT º °°² ² ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ °°² ²²²°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°² ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² 1) SKILL LEVEL: In the upper left of the main menu are four radio buttons, each representing a difficulty level. Click on the one which corresponds with the difficulty level you want Quake to be set at when you begin your game. 2) CREATE CONFIGURATION FILE: Quake Control Center allows you to create a file containing all the settings you have selected thus far, which you can then load when you start QCC. This can save time if there are several settings which you always like to select, because you won't have to manually select them each time your run QCC. For instance, if your favorite weapon is the perforator and you always like to start with it in your inventory along with 255 nails, simply select these options like you normally would and click on the button labeled "Create Configuration File:". QCC will create a file called DEFAULT.QCC which contains these settings. If you wish to have QCC save the file with a different name, simply click the input box with the contents "DEFAULT.QCC" and type in a name you would prefer (i.e. MYCONFIG.QCC). When you want to load a configuration file, simply do it from the command line. For instance, to start QCC with the configuration file MYCONFIG.QCC, you would run QCC by typing "QCC -CFG MYCONFIG.QCC" (without the quotation marks). NOTE: The configuration (*.QCC) files must be in the same directory as QCC.EXE. 3) WARP INFORMATION: The Quake Control Center allows you to warp to any level in the game. You must first select the episode you wish to warp to. The four episodes included in the game are displayed at the top left of the main menu, as well as an "episode" titled "Deathmatch Arenas/Miscellaneous" which contains the six "made for deathmatch" levels as well as START and END. Click on the radio button next to the episode you wish to warp to to select it. After you have selected an episode, it's time to choose which level you want to warp to. Under the episodes you will see the name of the first level in that currently selected episode, with two arrows next to it. By clicking on the up and down arrows, you can cycle through the levels in the episode you have selected. To warp to a level, simply click the arrows until it is displayed. 4) LOAD EXTERNAL MAP FILE: To the upper right of the main menu, this allows you to select an external .BSP file to be added when you run Quake. It displays all the .BSP files in your ID1\MAPS directory. To choose an external map file, first click on the checkbox and then select the file you wish to use with the mouse. If you change your mind, simply de-select the check box. 5) LOAD A SAVEGAME: To the right of the main menu is a list of all your Quake saved games. If you want to load one of those game when you start Quake, simply click the checkbox and select the title with your mouse. If you want to rename a saved game (which for some reason Quake won't let you do), right-click on the title you wish to change. If you change your mind and don't want to load a saved game, simply de-select the check box. 6) WEAPON/AMMO INFORMATION: WEAPON INFORMATION: To the left of the main menu, here you can select the weapons and ammunition you wish to have added to your inventory when you start Quake. Click on the check box next to a weapon to get it, or enter a value in a text box to change the amount of ammo you get. Here is a list of text boxes, and what they affect: NEXT TO "SHOTGUN": Shells. Lets you modify the number of shells you start the game with. You can't go below 25, or above 255. The shotgun and the double-barreled shotgun use shells. NEXT TO "NAILGUN": Nails. Lets you modify the number of nails you start the game with. You can't go below 0, or above 255. The nailgun and the perforator use nails. NEXT TO "GRENADE LAUNCHER": Rockets. Lets you modify the number of rockets you start the game with. You can't go below 0, or above 255. The grenade launcher and the rocket launcher use rockets. NEXT TO "THUNDERBOLT": Cells. Lets you modify the number of cells you start the game with. You can't go below 0, or above 255. The thunderbolt uses cells. 7) HEALTH/GRAVITY INFORMATION: To the lower right of the main menu, here you can adjust the amount of health you start the game with and the amount of gravity there is in the game environment. You can input a health value between 1 (almost dead), and 32767 (godlike). You can input a gravity value between 0 (floating), and 3500 (unable to jump). 8) POWERUP INFORMATION: Powerup information is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and allows you to choose any powerups you want your character to have when you begin Quake. Select them by clicking on the check box next to the powerup you want. The powerups are: Quad Damage: Your weapons do four times the amount of damage they usually do. Invisible: The enemies won't notice you until you attack them. God Mode: You cannot be harmed. 9) QUAKE EXECUTION OPTIONS: Here are several options which change change the way that Quake runs. The big red button labeled "Run Quake Now" launches the game. Beneath it are two radio buttons. These affect the filename that QCC launches when you want to run the game. QUAKE.EXE is standard, but if you're going to run Quake under Windows 95 with a TCP/IP connection, select Q95.BAT. SECTION 3: OTHER STUFF ---------------------- 3.0: How to Register. --------------------- Quake Control Center is not free. If you enjoy using it and decide to continue using it for more than 15 days, you are required to pay a small registration fee. Once we receive this fee we will send you a code which you can enter to register the Quake Control Center and remove the nag screen. Please read ORDERME.TXT for more information. 3.1: How to Contact the Author. ------------------------------- Please write to me with bug reports, suggestions, and complaints! E-Mail: ythan@aol.com Snail Mail: Ythan Burstein 63 East Hollow Rd. Petersburgh, NY 12138 Thanks! 3.2: Where to Get the Latest Version. ------------------------------------- To get the latest version of the Quake Control Center, FTP over to members.aol.com/ythan/qcc . 3.3: Distribution Information (license). ---------------------------------------- Please upload the shareware version of this program ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE. The only condition is the you distribute the original .ZIP ONLY, and do not charge money for it other than a reasonable materials fee. Thanks! 3.4: Version History. --------------------- v1.0 ---- Initial release. v1.1 ---- I fixed a rare but serious bug having to do with the registration of QCC. I added several new features: Amount of health selection, amount of gravity selection, and the ability to load saved games from within QCC. I fixed many minor bugs and made some small enhancements to several features. v1.2 ---- I added the "rename saved game" feature. I tested the program thoroughly and fixed many small bugs (as well as several large ones!). I optimized the source code to make QCC run faster and more efficiently. v1.3 ---- I updated QCC to support the full version of Quake. Some of these changes I made are:  Support for all four episodes plus the extra deathmatch levels.  The ability to load external map (.BSP) files. I moved the "load game" interface to the main menu. I fixed many bugs and enhanced many features. v1.4 ---- I fixed a fatal bug which occured if you didn't have an ID1 or an ID1\MAPS directory. I added the ability to create and load alternate configuration files (*.QCC). I fixed a bunch of bugs related to the load game interface. I enhanced many aspects of the load game interface, including:  QCC now looks for the saved game QUICK.SAV in addition to S*.SAV.  You can now rename a saved game without first selecting "[ ] Load savegame" I made some small aesthetic changes. I made some small changes to the configuration process. I optimized the source code to make QCC run faster and more efficiently. Miscellaneous bug fixes and feature enhancements.